
2 min readOct 21, 2020

Hii, Welcome to Coder., Today we are going to discuss about the fight between two Javascript Frameworks which are rocking over the world!!!…

React VS Vue


1)REACT ⚛:

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

=> React is a Javascript framework made in 2013. It was made by the Facebook Engineer Jordan Walke. It was made being inspired from XHP, A HTML component library for PHP. Its main advantage is its Virtual DOM which helps in making an one-way binding , making the data having only one value. To be a React JS Developer, you should master the fundamentals of various components such as React Hooks, State and Props, Redux/Context API and more…
To get more information about React , Go to there Official Website given below..

React JS

2) VUE :

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

=> Vue JS is a framework for web developers to make dynamic websites easily. It was made by Evan You, a software engineer who has worked at Google with Angular JS. The first initial release of Vue was on February 2014. It also has a virtual DOM which helps it to make the app performance smooth. Vue JS is one of the most growing frameworks in the world. To be a Vue Developer, you must do the basics of JSX, Routing and Components.

To get more information , Go to the official website given below..

Vue JS

Which is the Best Framework????

According to me, the both are the best framework , but according to the context comparison , React is much better than Vue. Therefore the conclusion is that:

REACT is better than Vue …

Note: In this opinion , I am not doing any comparison between any of your feelings. If you get hurt from this report, then sorry for incovenience.




Hi Myself Coderdot. I am a self-taught developer having knowledge about various languages like React JS, Python, Django, C++,etc.